There's A Chance Former IMPACT WRESTLING Stars EC3 And Bobby Lashley Could Return To WWE
We recently found out that 2 of Impact Wrestling's top stars had parted ways with the company, and now we're hearing that the door may be open for Bobby Lashley and EC3 to return to The WWE. More past the jump.
It was probably inevitable that rumors would swirl about EC3 ("Ethan Carter III") and Bobby Lashley making their way back to WWE once the news broke that they'd parted ways with Impact Wrestling, and that's exactly what's happened.
According to PWInsider, WWE is "absolutely" interested in signing Carter, who competed there as Derrick Bateman many years ago. Meanwhile, Dave Meltzer of is reporting that "the door is open" for Lashley to return, even though the former MMA fighter's departure from the promotion is not thought to have been an amicable one.
It remains to be seen if either of these guys wind up signing, but both would be valuable assets to the roster for sure. And yes, we are also fantasizing about seeing Lashley VS. Brock Lesnar.