For the past week, Xavier Woods has been campaigning for his match against Jinder Mahal this upcoming Tuesday on Smackdown Live. While Woods is a multi-time tag team champion, he’s yet to win his first single’s title in the WWE.
Many fans speculate that it will be Mahal and Bobby Roode in the final match, but will WWE creative surprise us with a different outcome? Mojo Rawley has been displaying nice promo skills in his feud with Zack Ryder on twitter, perhaps they'll take a chance on the young upstart?
Xavier Woods has been a staple of the New Day since its inception - in fact, Woods is the reason the New Day is together. Will creative give the talented wrestler a chance at singles gold? There’s a lot of interesting directions and matchups they can can go with Woods or even Rawley. Nothing against Roode, but he’s still currently an awkward babyface (since his gimmick is a heel one). Jinder Mahal still remains a flat, one dimensional character.
Woods will face Jinder Mahal in the semifinals of the United States Title Tournament on tomorrow night's episode of SmackDown Live. The winner will go on to wrestle whoever emerges victorious in the Bobby Roode vs. Mojo Rawley match.