Maria Kanellis hasn't had much to say about WWE since leaving the company, but on Monday night, she took to Twitter to criticise them for focusing too much on a temporary ratings spike instead of building to the future (which is why a bunch of NXT talent was used in the cringe-worthy "RAW Underground" segments this week).
WWE has a habit of "hot shotting" ratings with big shows, only for them to then return to normal. That may make television executives happy for a short time, but it does nothing for the company's future.
Ideally, WWE needs to make a long-term plan to build new stars, accepting that ratings will drop in the meantime, but they'll retain - and regain - an audience in the long run. This is something Kanellis argues in her series of Tweets, and as great as what she says may be, it's unlikely WWE will head down this route...especially with Vince McMahon in charge.
Check out Kanellis' comments below: