Former WWE Superstar Taz Has Criticized The Company's Handling Of Liv Morgan's Injury
As fans, bloggers and other wrestlers continue to weigh in on the scary situation involving Brie Bella and Liv Morgan from this past Monday's Raw, the latest to share his thoughts is "The Human Suplex Machine."
This past Monday on Raw, Brie Bella inadvertently kicked Liv Morgan in the face with a YES! Kick, momentarily knocking her unconscious. Since then, many fans and wrestlers have been giving their thoughts on what happened, and now Taz has joined the fray.
Unlike most people in the industry that weighed in, the former ECW Champion was critical of WWE for how they handled the situation. Though he doesn't lay any blame at the feet of Bella, he believes the match should have been stopped immediately and Morgan tended to by the medical staff.
“Liv got caught on what you call the ‘button’ — on a part of her chin, and that’s basically what ended up knocking her out. It was scary seeing that happen to her. I have to say, I do think that WWE, I think that their intentions– I always talk about that they’re big into safety.
I think that this was a bang-bang situation, and I think that things could’ve been handled a little bit better, in my professional opinion. Just as an observer watching it, and someone who has been knocked out in the ring, someone who’s knocked people out in the ring — I just have to be honest in these comments.”
What do you guys make of Taz's view on the situation? Drop us a comment down below.