It's been a rough six weeks for Ric Flair. He was admitted to an Atlanta hospital on August 11th with stomach pains but his condition soon worsened and The Nature Boy had to deal with kidney and heart failure shortly after. It was reported that Flair only had a 20% chance of surviving but things have been looking up recently and he's now on the road to recovery after a series of surgeries.
In the interview below, Flair admits that the whole thing "scared the sh*t outta me" before adding that he's still not out of the woods and is currently in a convalescent centre to recover.
Much of the blame for Flair's problems have been blamed on the years he spent drinking heavily and it was only four years ago that he had a failed rehab stint. "I didn’t think I was an alcoholic, but obviously I was," he admitted. "I never drank when I was working, but as soon as work was over, I went right to the mill. I’ll never drink again. I never want to go through this again."
It's sad that much of the damage has already been done but it's good that Flair is now making an effort to remain as healthy as possible. Hopefully, we'll get more positive updates soon!