The "Demo God" Chris Jericho recently spoke to Yahoo Sports about the one-year anniversary of All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite. As you'll no doubt be well aware, the company has scored the majority of wins in terms of both total viewership and the key demographics on a weekly basis, with most declaring AEW the winners of the Wednesday Night War.
It's widely believed that AEW would massively benefit from NXT not being on Wednesday nights (the WWE show would too), but Le Champion made it clear they're not really sweating the competition.
"We didn’t start a war or a battle, we are just worried about our own stuff," he explains. "We don’t care what WWE or NXT does. Obviously we love beating them in the ratings every week, to the point where it’s almost embarrassing at this point, but we’re not obsessed with it."
"Twenty years ago there’d be a party if WCW’s pyro went off before WWE’s. Every moment was so intense, every segment of the show had to be mapped out to beat WWE. We’re not like that, we don’t know what NXT is doing and we’re worried about our own show and our own business and I think that’s why we’ve been so successful."
It's an exciting time to be a wrestling fan, and while it's hard to believe AEW doesn't care about those numbers, chances are they're pretty happy winning in terms of ratings on a weekly basis.
Which show do you tune into each Wednesday?