If you follow the independent wrestling scene at all, chances are you'll have heard of Karen Glennon, aka “Session Moth” Martina.
Already a major star in Ireland, Martina has also competed in the US and Japan, but it's long been a dream of hers to work for the
WWE. Now, she has her chance.
WWE Performance Center in the UK is hosting a tryout for female wrestlers this week, and we now have a full list of the up-and-coming talent that'll be hoping to earn a spot on the roster.
In addition to Martina, we have:
Candy Floss, who has appeared on NXT UK TV
Bethany Jefferson aka Shax
Sabrina Casiraghi, who competed in ICW
Heather Schofield, a bodybuilder and bikini model
Valkyrie Marie Cusak, wrestler for OTT in Ireland
Hannah Simpson aka Jessica Light
Steph De Lander, indie wrestler from Australia
Jamie Hayter, wrestled in Stardom and appeared on NXT UK
Winona Makanji aka Kanji Gisele Mayordo, trained by Lance Storm
Rhianna McDonnell, who wrestles for Preston City Wrestling
Kaydell Joyce, former powerlifting champion
Mariah May Mead, wrestler and model from England
Jade Noble aka “Poison Princess”
Jayde Chloe Smyth, wrestles for Dragon Pro Wrestling in Wales
Emma O’Sullivan aka Raven Creed
Mercedez Blaze, an independent wrestler who competes on the U.K. indie scene.
Best of luck to all the ladies. If Session Moth makes it through, we have a bag of cans with her name on it.