On the December 29th edition of his Talk Is Jericho podcast, Chris Jericho revealed that that would be the last one released on PodcastOne. The platform is the home for his and Stone Cold Steve Austin's shows, not to mention a number of other wrestling personalities so it's hard to say why Y2J would decide to leave. Regardless, his podcast is now heading to Westwood One instead.
Interestingly, it's also been revealed that every single one of Jericho's previous shows are now also available to download so it's a relief to see they won't be disappearing from the internet entirely!
These days, there are a lot of wrestling podcasts out there, with everyone from Jerry Lawler to Booker T and Lillian Garcia hosting their own shows. Jericho, however, remains one of the best out there at interviews and it's good that Talk Is Jericho is now going to continue, albeit at a brand new home.