We recently reported that WWE seemed to be testing the wasters for a Tyle Dillinger heel turn, and now it looks like that might be close to becoming a reality.
According to audience reports from the last leg of the Holiday Tour, Dillinger began shutting down the "10" chants and even sucker-punched his opponent Sin Cara at one point.
Certainly seems like heelish behavior to us.
Apparently, the company is attempting to dampen the chants because they're worried about crowds using it to hijack promos in much the same way they frequently shout "what", and it's felt that a Dillinger heel turn would accomplish this.
What do you guys make of this? Would this be good for Tye, or does it sound more like another example of the company trying to cool a wrestler's momentum by stripping him of the thing that got him over in the first place? Sound off below.