Ric Flair was quite the womaniser in his heydey but his recent claims that he's slept with over 10,000 women have been met with an awful lot of scepticism. Simply put, the math just doesn't add up and even porn star Ron Jeremy has weighed in and stated that this number simply isn't doable (no pun intended). However, The Nature Boy remains adamant that those encounters happened.
"Well, if you do the math, I started when I was in seventh grade!" Flair laughed. "Let me say that hypothetically, I slept with five people. You'd go to your friend next door and go, 'bulls--t!' If I had said, '250,' you'd go, 'bulls--t.' If I said, '5,000,' you'd say, 'oh, maybe.' I'm not far off on that number. It doesn't mean that everybody was Marilyn Monroe by any means, but I'm not far off. I wrestled. I was really good at three things: I wrestled, drinking, and talking, saying 'goodnight.'"
Honestly, it still doesn't sound like a particularly believable claim but the WWE Hall of Famer is clearly convinced that he slept with a whole lot of women and his prime and won't back down!
Chances are Flair did get a lot of action over the years, of course, but he's known for bold and unbelievable claims and this is no doubt one of them. Still, he's obviously led a pretty fun life...