Chris Jericho Repeats His Offer To VANGUARD-1 In Another Hilarious Promo On AEW DYNAMITE

Chris Jericho Repeats His Offer To VANGUARD-1 In Another Hilarious Promo On AEW DYNAMITE Chris Jericho Repeats His Offer To VANGUARD-1 In Another Hilarious Promo On AEW DYNAMITE

Chris Jericho asked VANGUARD-1 (who, just so we're clear, is a drone) to join the Inner Circle last week on Dynamite, and The Painmaker doubled down on his offer during this week's show in a hilarious promo.

By MarkCassidy - Apr 02, 2020 06:04 AM EST
Filed Under: AEW

Last week, Chris Jericho cut a promo on VANGUARD-1 and asked if "he'd" like to join The Inner Circle. It was a very funny skit played for laughs, but not everyone was a fan, and there was some backlash online.

Well, The Painmaker doesn't give a shit, and cut and even sillier promo on the drone last night on Dynamite.

While Jericho was drinking a "little bitta the bubblay" in his Jacuzzi and berating The Elite (pumpkin-headed dipshits will never not get a laugh), VANGUARD flew overhead and interrupted the tirade. Chris then extended a second offer to Matt Hardey's propellered pal, even hanging a little Inner Circle t-shirt on his wing. When the drone flew away, Jericho shouted "release the hounds," and several cute pooches gave chase.

We can probably expect more of this moving forward, and we're totally fine with that. What do you guys think? Harmless fun, or "exposing the business"? Let us know in the comments.

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