It doesn’t appear that Matt Riddle has much friends down in NXT.
The “King of Bros” took to Twitter and complained about people not giving him a ride to work. He called his co-workers trash and stated that he hated everyone.
Now it does appear that Riddle is being a bit sarcastic; however, former NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa doesn’t seem to be taking it that way. The NXT star fired back at Riddle by basically telling him to "go [frick] himself”.
There’s no word on if there’s legitimate heat between Ciampa and Riddle, but the former mma fighter hasn’t been shy on speaking his mind as of late especially when it comes to Goldberg. Of course, this could all be a work and the start of a future program between Ciampa and Riddle once the former NXT Champion finally makes his return to the ring. We’ll find out someday.