Back in 2010, Bischoff and Hogan looked to recreate the Monday Night War, but this time between TNA and WWE. For several months both companies battled during the same timeslot, but unlike WCW, TNA was unable to win the ratings war. TNA moved back to its Thursday timeslot in May of that year.
Bischoff doesn’t hold back his words in regards to TNA/Impact Wrestling:
"First of all, were we a legitimate number-two? There's an old saying, 'Numbers lie and liars use numbers.' I guess in one sense you could suggest that at that period of time, TNA could have been considered by some to be number-two," Bischoff said. "But the distance between number-one and number-two was the equivalent of the distance between number-one and number-222. We may have been number-two, but number-one wasn't even on the horizon."
Bischoff voices his lack of confidence that the current creative team or the people running the business side in Impact Wrestling. He said they don't truly understand the wrestling business, so it's nearly impossible for them to know what it takes to achieve success.
"At the risk of sounding cynical or derisive, which I don't mean to be or to do, there's nobody at Impact Wrestling or Anthem Sports that has the vision, the knowledge, the experience or the ability to see an opportunity that would allow them to create a brand and a product that would be different enough to grow an audience and catch the audience's imagination while simultaneously, and this is the art within the art, not turning off the existing fan base... The people that are involved in it have never played on a large stage, have never dealt with major networks, have never faced the challenge of appealing to a large audience," Bischoff said.
"None of them have ever really dealt in the business of the wrestling business on a major scale. So it's impossible for them to have the experience and the knowledge because they've never done it, they've never been exposed to it. "As derisive and negative as that sounds, what I'm really trying to say is there's nobody there that has the background and the experience to see that kind of opportunity. So is it likely that it'll happen? Maybe sometime in the next half-million years, but not anytime in our future."