Dean Ambrose Finally Explains Why He Betrayed Seth Rollins And Turned His Back On The Shield

Dean Ambrose Finally Explains Why He Betrayed Seth Rollins And Turned His Back On The Shield

After teasing us for a couple of weeks, Dean Ambrose finally gave Seth Rollins, and the rest if us, some answers when he explained why he chose to betray his Shield brothers. Find out more after the jump...

By MarkCassidy - Nov 12, 2018 06:11 PM EST
Filed Under: WWE
Well, we finally know why Dean Ambrose turned on Seth Rollins, and his explanation was... kinda underwhelming and predictable, quite frankly.

While Corey Graves was interviewing Rollins in the ring on Raw, The Lunatic Fringe appeared on the screen and told his former brother that he shouldn't have "spoken to him like an imbecile," before revealing that he used to believe The Shield made him strong, but now realizes that it made him weak. He then hammered his point home by burning his signature Shield vest.

It's a believable enough reason, but we were hoping for something a little more... intricate, maybe?

Anyway, let us know what you thought of Ambrose's promo in the comments down below.
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