Here's The Reason Why Roman Reigns Wasn't A Part Of Monday Night RAW This Week
We thought there was a distinct lack of booing from the crowd last night! If you were wondering why "The Big Dog" no-showed Monday Night Raw this week, we have the answer for you right after the jump...
The fact that Roman Reigns wasn't featured on Raw last night has led to speculation that he might be injured, but thankfully that doesn't appear to be the case.
According to, The Big Dog wasn't a part of the show for one very simple reason: he was given the night off.
It seems Reigns was actually given the full week off from touring, and is not scheduled for the weekend live events, either. He is expected to be back for next Monday’s Raw in Houston, however.
Why the time off? probably for no other reason than Roman wanting to spend some time with his family, but perhaps we'll find out more about it in the buildup to next week's show.