During the final episode of Undertaker: The Last Ride, legendary WWE Superstar The Undertaker seemingly announced his retirement. It's no secret that the Deadman has struggled in recent years, though his "Boneyard Match" against AJ Styles at WrestleMania was an undeniable highlight and a good note to end things on.
However, had The Undertaker not spent so much time in the ring facing Giant Gonzalez, we may have been able to enjoy seeing him compete a little longer. During an interview on the NotSam podcast, he explained that those matches took a real toll on his body.
"That whole thing took years off my career," he revealed. "I would be in much better shape now if I could’ve skipped that one program. As physically demanding as it was, it was twice as much the mental strain because you have Bret, Yokozuna going out and having these great matches. Obviously you want to be mentioned in the same breath as those guys and it was just not possible."
"It was survival every night trying to figure out what he could do and it took me to try and make chicken salad out of chicken crap."
It's rare to hear The Undertaker talk like this, but we'll hopefully get to hear more comments from him like this moving forward as they provide a fascinating insight into his in-ring career.