WWE 2K17 Vs. WWE 2K18 Comparison Video Showcases Some Major Improvements
The first footage from WWE 2K18 has been released and it definitely looks like the long-running franchise is taking a huge step forward in terms of the graphics. However, will the gameplay also get an overhaul?
The WWE video games have always been very hit and miss with even the biggest improvements failing to make up for a variety of pitfalls. Not a huge amount is known about this year's edition but it has been confirmed that the commentary team is getting a long overdue shake up and that it will feature a larger variety of Superstars than ever before (including Kurt Angle).
Now, a new video has been released which shows that the graphics are also undergoing some serious improvements. It's clear that the series is taking a huge step forward in this respect but gameplay problems have always been the main issue and we'll just have to wait and see if those are addressed because even the best graphics in the world won't make up for that.
Does this video get you more excited for WWE 2K18? Let us know in the usual place.