After months of build, Rich Swann and Sami Callihan clashed once again in a violent oVe Rules match - which is basically a No Disquaification match - for the prestigious X-Division championship. The match started off fast with Swann using his aerial arsenal, but “The Draw” would soon use various weapons to gain the advantage.
Towards the end of the bout, Callihan seemingly had the match won after connecting with piledriver on a piece of guardrail.
However, the Ohio vs. Everything leader wanted Swann to suffer and pulled out a barbed wire baseball from under the ring. The X-Division champion would outsmart Callihan with a shot to the nuts and grabbed the baseball bat for himself. Despite Callihan telling Swann that he “loved him”, playing off the long history between the two wrestlers, the X-Division champ blasted “The Draw” with the baseball bat and then performed a crossface submission with the barbed wire bat for the win.