Mojo Rawley is a Superstar who WWE have now made a few different attempts to push but as 24/7 Champion, it appears as if he's finally getting his chance to shine. On last night's
RAW, he defended the title in a match with No Way Jose but had some unexpected backup in the form of his "offensive lineman," Riddick Moss.
It's unclear whether his move to the main roster is a permanent one but these two could end up making a formidable duo on Monday nights. However, Moss may need to keep a closer eye on things!
Moments after Rawley defeated Jose, R-Truth (who was dressed as a hamburger) rolled up his newfound foe for the 1-2-3 but came face to face with Moss who provided a distraction long enough for Mojo to drop him and regain the title.
Check out the segment below: