During a recent interview with Sports Illustrated, Elias opened up on his ongoing feud with Jeff Hardy. While the storyline doesn't make much sense - especially when we know it was Sheamus who ran him over - it's one the RAW Superstar believes could help push him to the big time.
The actual reason Elias has been on the sidelines since May is because he suffered a torn pectoral muscle and needed surgery, but Elias now has his sights set on getting his career back on track.
"This story is going to be fun," Elias started. "I grew up a huge wrestling fan, and I love when stories make sense and fans can connect the dots in their own mind as to why things are happening, along with some mystery and reveal."
"I know exactly what is ahead of me, and I’m ready for it. I’m willing to put all my effort into my story. I’m ready for Jeff Hardy, and I’ll be ready for big stories with guys like Drew McIntyre and A.J. Styles," he continued. "Jeff can be a stepping stone right to that main event picture."
Elias is a Superstar with a lot of potential, and it will definitely be interesting seeing how this pans out for him in the coming weeks.