This Sunday, Goldberg will defend his WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania. Many fans believe that he'll drop the belt to Brock Lesnar, but are understandably concerned that the match will be as brief as their previous encounters, something Goldberg pretty much confirmed would be the case during an appearance on E&C's Pod Of Awesomeness.
Asked about his training regime, Goldberg explained why his current run is making him "miserable."
"I'll be honest, I'm miserable. I'm absolutely miserable. But my family's having fun, man. And so, every single thing, every training session, every ART massage that makes me cry, every muay thai session, it's all worth it, man. It's just worth it...Nobody get me wrong when I say I've been miserable throughout this, but I am. I'm miserable. I'm bloated 24 hours a day. I'm stressed 24 hours a day. I don't sleep, but it's a small price to pay.
For me to be 237 [pounds] and have great cardio and then get the phone call that six weeks later, I've got to do what I've got to do. Do you think I continued to do cardio every day? I had to shut cardio completely down and just eat, and eat, and lift, and eat. And so it's a sacrifice. Do I give people the visual whatever as close as possible of Goldberg or do I give them a new version in which I look like a cruiserweight and it's just different, man."
It doesn't exactly sound as if Goldberg is ready for a lengthy match if he's been focused on looking like his old self. He even admitted to pulling a hamstring while doing a kick during his entrance, and when talk turned to that embarrassing promo he delivered after hitting his head too hard on his dressing room door, Goldberg explained how everything went so horribly wrong that night.
"How about when I knocked myself out on the door? Did you hear that one? You didn't hear that one? I did that, I don't know, a month ago. So, well, yeah, man. My way of getting ready, you know me, man. They knock on my door, I pour water on my head, so I don't catch on fire from the sparks, and I headbutt the door. I'm a neanderthal. That's what I do, right?
I'm walking to the ring, and I go through Gorilla, and then, I get in the ring, man, and I literally forgot every single thing that I was supposed to say and the cameraman throws me a towel. And I'm like, 'what is this towel for?' I mean, I know I sweat a lot, but I've got blood dripping down my forehead and I had no idea, man."
Needless to say, Vince McMahon wasn't happy after the incident, but Goldberg claimed that he told him, "fault me for trying too hard, not for not trying hard enough." How hard he tries this weekend promises to be very interesting, though based on these comments, he'll be happy to move on and retire for good once all is said and done and he loses the title. That's not a just a wild guess either as an Instagram post points to his run coming to an end!