Mick Foley Responds To The Backlash Over His Participation In An Infamous Joey Ryan "Dick-Flip" Spot
Oh Mick, Jim Cornette is gonna disown you! Over the weekend, The Hardcore Legend was involved in one of Joey Ryan's infamous "dick-flip" spots, and it generated quite a bit of backlash. More past the jump...
Just in case you're in need of some backstory here, independent wrestler Joey Ryan has made his name doing a spot in which his opponent grabs him by the penis, and he uses his incredible dick-strength to flip them. There have been several variations on this, but it always involves his "little Joey" performing some unbelievable feat or another.
This type of comedy spot seems to have split fans and insiders right down the middle, with many furious at the wrestlers that showcase the moves for further "exposing the business."
Well, it seem one legendary star has no problem putting the move over.
Mick Foley went up against Ryan on an indie show in Dublin over the weekend, and felt the full force of his penile-fury. The match was met with equal parts praise and derision, prompting Foley to share the following response to his Facebook page:
"So last night in Dublin, there was an incident involving a case of mistaken identity, and a leapfrog that turned an innocent attempt at a mandible claw into something far, FAR more sinister! I know Joey Ryan's #DickFlip has divided the wrestling Community in a way we previously thought only John Cena or Roman Reigns could! It has become the #IWC equivalent of the Trump/Hillary election - ending friendships, even turning brother against brother...brother! Son against Daddy...daddy! It's quite possible Jim Cornette will never speak to me again after seeing this photo - a solid 28 year friendship over in a matter of seconds! So why, you may ask, would I participate in such a potentially divisive penile palming? The answer is simple - look at the smiles. JUST LOOK AT THE SMILES! There is a smile, literally on EVERY face! In the end, isn't that what it's all about? If applying the mandible claw to Joey Ryan's genitalia last night was wrong...I don't want to be right! Please let me know how YOU feel about this gripping problem!
What do you guys think of these type of spots? Is there a place for them in the business? Sound off below.