In the past, Randy Orton has been known to be a little straightforward and abrasive. Never one to shy away from the truth, Randy Orton can sometimes let his real persona shine through.
Recently, we saw Randy take a crack at how much WWE is paying Bill Goldberg to show up in Saudi Arabia for their upcoming show on June 7th.
Now, the carefree Orton has taken aim at a familiar foe.
John Cena, as he typically does, took to Twitter to provide some inspirational words about making sure that others happiness doesn't come at your own expense:
Beware those who think you owe them happiness at the expense of your own well being.
Randy had a field day with this. First, he asked if John was bothered by some fans asking for his autograph at the airport and then he said that that wasn't possible because John only takes charter planes:
Ah shit. Did some marks hit you up for autographs at the airport again?
#probablynot #chartersonly
Between this incident and the Goldberg incident, it's not unreasonable to assume that Randy Orton is just having some fun at the expense of his peers but would you like to see Randy Orton and John Cena have one more match for old times sake? Sound off in the comments below.