Since the season (or series) finale of Lucha Underground aired on November 7, 2018, the company's status on the El Rey Network has been up in the air.
While the show ended with several huge cliffhangers including Jake Strong winning the Lucha Underground championship and the introduction of Stu Bennett (Wade Barrett from WWE), Chris DeJoseph, who is one of the main producers for Lucha Underground answered a question on Twitter that asked him on the possibility of the series returning for a season five, which won't spark much hope for the Lucha Libre show:
Executive Producer Eric Van Wagenen essentially hinted at LU’s fate back in a November interview where he makes it clear that he hasn’t heard a word on a season 5 of the show:
“I don’t know anything about season 5. We survive as El Rey survives. We need them to be successful and we need them to be able to afford to do the show.”
“I think we reached the tipping point budget wise. We’ve gone I think as low as we can go. And I don’t know that we would try to replicate the business model of season 4 again. And so it becomes a question again of ‘can we find a way to do season 5 without it being cheaper and faster and all the other things?’”