Kacy Catanzaro finally explains why she’s been missing from NXT for the past couple of months.
Reportedly, the NXT star left the developmental brand back in September due to a back injury; however, numerous reports speculated that Catanzaro was contemplating leaving the promotion altogether. In fact, several articles claimed that the 30-year-old had quit the company.
Ricochet – Kacy’s boyfriend – addressed the rumors on
Sports Illustrated by clarifying that the former American Ninja Warrior competitor wasn’t injured, and was simply deciding whether being with the company was the best for her going forward:
“She’s still with the company. She’s not retired at all and she’s not injured. It’s a tough sport and we’re all hurting, but there is nothing wrong with her.
"I don’t know [if she’ll wrestle again]. She’s very family-oriented and she wants kids, so she doesn’t know if being on the road so much is for her. For me, I’m already too deep—I’m on the road all the time. She loves wrestling and she loves it here, and she’s so good at it, so it’s a very tough decision for her.”
Last Wednesday, Catanzaro surprised many by making her return to the black and yellow brand and now, the NXT star finally explains why she took time away from the squared circle. For Catanzaro, she needed some time to figure out whether her future was going to continue to be a WWE superstar, which is what Ricochet stated during his interview.
Check out the full video of Kacy explaining her absence from NXT: