Last night’s Rebellion show started off with a bang as a four-way match between Suicide, Chris Bey, Rohit Raju, and Trey Miguel took place.
Early in 2020, Trey Miguel seem primed to become a singles star when The Rascalz member defeated Aiden Prince, Brent Banks, Petey Williams, Rohit Raju, and Willie Mack to win an opportunity to challenge Ace Austin for the X-Division Championship at Hard To Kill. The 25-year-old ultimately came up short during that encounter; however, Miguel proved in that match and the entire build that he had what it takes to become a singles star. The Impact talent has been vying for another opportunity since.
However, the spotlight recently has been on Chris Bey. Despite the return of former X-Division Champion Suicide, Bey has shown a nice charisma and athleticism that has made him the new star of the division. The 24-year-old shined bright in the four-way match-up; however, Migel, Raju, and Suicide also had their moment in the sun as well.
In the end though, after a chaotic string of moves, Miguel came close to winning the match until Raju tossed The Rascalz member out of the ring to steal the pin; however, Bey came in with a sneak roundhouse kick and got the three count on Raju instead.