This past week, current Impact Wrestling producer Gail Kim spoke with Wrestling Inc and revealed during the call that former Knockouts champion Taryn Terrell is itching to return to the company.
Terrell currently holds the record for the longest Impact Knockouts champion in history at 279 days; The former WWE superstar made her presence known in the company by having a memorable feud with the Impact Hall of famer herself.
The last time Terrell competed in Impact was on August 20, 2017, when she teamed with Sienna & Taya Valkyrie to defeat Kim, Allie, & Rosemary in a six-woman tag team match. It was announced that Terrell had departed from Impact Wrestling on October 20, 2017.
"She is not wrestling, she is doing stunt work but I know she wants to come back to wrestling," Kim stated.
"She does miss it, just like everyone else that enters this business, I think. I always tell everyone wrestling is like the mafia, once you get in, you can't get out."
With WWE's introduction of the Women's Tag Team Championships, Kim explained how many fans have questioned whether the Knockouts Tag Team Championships will make a return.
Kim would indeed like to reintroduce the Impact fans to the Knockouts Tag Team titles down the line, but the Impact Hall of famer believes that the company should reinforce the division with more female talent before the titles make a return:
"At the moment, the state of the Knockouts, I feel like they don't necessarily need the tag team titles right now because the story is interesting enough," Kim said.
"But I have seen a lot more tweets about that since WWE has introduced the tag team titles to their women's division, but they do have a lot more girls than us, so i think that if we added some more girls, I think that could maybe be a discussion that could come up."
Read the
full interview where Kim talks about how frustrating it is that WWE keeps signing everyone and why she believes that every pro wrestler should try WWE once in their career.