Paul Walter Hauser is the executive producer for Major League Wrestling.
The Emmy winning actor’s role in MLW has expanded as Deadline first reported the news that Paul Walter Hauser is now the executive producer for the promotion. The purpose for Hauser’s new role is to boost the reach across media platforms. Hauser described his excitement over his new role in Major League Wrestling.
“I’ve been a lifelong fan of professional wrestling, and MLW represents everything I love about the sport— hard-hitting action, compelling characters, and innovative storytelling,” Hauser said. “I’m thrilled to join MLW as an Executive Producer and look forward to working alongside the team to bring fans the best possible experience.”
MLW Founder Court Bauer also expressed his joy over bringing the actor on board as Executive Producer.
“Bringing Paul Walter Hauser on board as Executive Producer and teaming up with Artists First marks a major milestone for MLW. Paul’s passion and creative insight, combined with the industry-leading expertise of Artists First, will propel MLW to new heights and expand our presence across multiple platforms.”
Hauser has been wrestling consistently in MLW since 2023. The 38-year-old always wanted to be a professional wrestler and has put in the work to see his dreams come to fruition. Hauser made his debut against Tom Lawlor at MLW's Never Say Never show in 2024. He’s been consistently wrestling across the globe as Hauser also competed in DEFY, Wrestlecon, Southern Honor Wrestling, and The Wrestling Revolver. The actor-turned-wrestler was even involved with an angle at AEW’s Revolution.
This is exciting news for Major League Wrestling. They currently don’t have a television deal as they air their content on Youtube for free. The promotion has several notable names such as Matt Riddle and the wrestling is generally good. However, MLW has had a hard time crossing over to the mainstream.
They did have a television deal in 2023 with REELZ, but that partnership only lasted ten weeks since REELZ announced their channel would be exclusively on demand with Peacock. WWE has exclusive rights to holding their wrestling content on their service, so MLW was unfortunately booted from the premium channel altogether. Reportedly, MLW was getting around 83,000 views during the weeks it was airing on REELZ.
The Deadline article doesn’t state when or if MLW are currently in talks with any other networks, but it is encouraging news for the brand overall.